Hudson Yards
WrapShield SA Self-Adhered
Over 40,000 sq.ft. of WrapShield SA Self-Adhered WRB/Air Barrier is being installed on Building #11 of the Hudson Yards Development in New York, New York.
The largest real estate development project in American history, the Hudson Yards will redefine Manhattan’s West Side. The construction of this over $20 billion development is nothing short of historic as the finalized structure aims to serve over 125,000 people a day through its offices, restaurants, shopping centers, residences, and parks. Designed to operate as a unique, somewhat self-sufficient neighborhood, the structure will feature office buildings, residential buildings, a public garden, a school, and various other amenities including: onsite power generation and monitoring, fiber-loop communications platform, and a 60,000-gallon tank for the collection and reuse of rainwater to irrigate the structure’s greenspace. A truly unique project, the Hudson Yards may change the way we design our neighborhoods.
Known for its high sustainability standards and product quality, Vaproshield’s WrapShield SA Self-Adhered WRB/Air Barrier system was selected for use on Buildings #10/11 at the Hudson Yards. The structures utilized a total of 120,000 sq.ft. of WrapShield SA Self-Adhered and component parts to create a continuous air barrier system that ensures clean indoor air quality and aids in structural longevity by reducing incidents of mold, mildew and rot. Despite the tight working areas of this portion of the project, WrapShield SA Self-Adhered was easily installed by work crews in a lift. Entirely self-adhering, WrapShield SA Self-Adhered seamlessly adhered to sheathing without the use of primers. Crews simply let the WrapShield SA Self-Adhered roll unfurl and smoothed out the membrane with a J-roller.
Joint and substrate preparation time was eliminated as this innovative WRB/Air Barrier wraps around corners and spans joints up to 7/8”. This significantly reduced labor time and provided the Hudson Yards team significant labor savings in this area of the project. Due for completion in 2025, Hudson Yards will reinvent New York city and stand as an iconic testament to American construction and design.
WrapShield SA Self-Adhered is phase construction friendly, can be installed in all weather conditions and sustains 180 days UV and climate exposure prior to cladding installation.