pdf CEU Overview (PDF) (602 KB)
VaproShield Offers Four Ways to Earn CEU Credits:
Critical Choices: Managing Air/Vapor in Low-Slope Roof Systems
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Mass Timber Moisture Protection Strategies Through Construction and Occupancy
Course Description: Mass timber offers challenges and benefits as a construction material. This course reviews the critical importance of creating a moisture protection strategy to preserve the beauty of the wood and reduce liability and structural damage. |
Register Now Thursday, March 13 1:00 - 2:00 PM EST |
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Are Highly Permeable Membranes Too Permeable?
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Designing Rough Openings for Proper Drainage and Drying
Course Description: Rough openings will leak - learn how to properly sequence rough opening installation materials and allow the “leaks” to drain out and away from the building structure. |
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A Contemporary Approach to Successful Stucco Wall Assemblies
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The Benefits of Rainscreen Design
Course Description: Learn the current research and field practices on vapor open (permeable), vented rain screen cladding wall assemblies and their impact to mitigate long-term water intrusion and enhance the drying capacity of the building envelope assembly for the life of the building. |
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Building Envelope Guidelines for Mass Timber
Course Description: This live presentation will cover mass timber moisture protection strategies, the building science of mass timber, rainscreen design, and mass timber building enclosure assembly details. |
Course Details
Extending the Life of the Roofing Assembly
Course Description: The roofing assembly is a critical element in a building's infrastructure. This webinar investigates the history of roofing underlayments and how advancements in breathable roofing underlayment technology can extend the life of the roofing assembly. |
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Part II: Re-Solution: Sustainable Solutions and Hygrothermal Principles for Existing Buildings
Course Description: If a building leaks, it is not sustainable. Re-Solutions Part II: Sustainable Solutions and Hygrothermal Principles for Existing Buildings, will examine which strategies are best for different structures and situations. |
Part I: Re-Solution: A Carbon Case for Building and Material Re-Use
Course Description: Carbon is a buzzword but what does it really mean in practical terms during new construction or renovation? Learn the answers through our informative AIA accredited 3-part series on “Re-Solutions” Part 1: A Carbon Case for Building and Material Re-use. |
CEU On Demand
Managing Roofing Risks: Air and Vapor Control
Course Description: Mass timber offers challenges and benefits as a construction material. This course reviews the critical importance of creating a moisture protection strategy to preserve the beauty of the wood and reduce liability and structural damage. |
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Building Envelope Guidelines for Mass Timber
Course Description: This presentation will cover mass timber moisture protection strategies, the building science of mass timber, rainscreen design, and mass timber building enclosure assembly details. |
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Extending the Life of the Roofing Assembly
Course Description: The roofing assembly is a critical element in a building's infrastructure. This webinar investigates the history of roofing underlayments and how advancements in breathable roofing underlayment technology can extend the life of the roofing assembly. |
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